FREE Women’s Self-Defense Seminar

Our Women’s Self Defense class is designed teach women skills and techniques to promote safety and self-defense.

The class teaches basic and some advanced techniques that are designed to not only help women get away or defend themselves from a would-be attacker, but also feel more confident and empowered knowing that they have the ability to take action if needed.

Every person, regardless of size or stature, can learn to protect themselves.  We teach effective techniques to teach women how to protect themselves and be safe in dangerous situation.  Student learn to defend themselves through mental and situational awareness, and physical techniques.  Our goal is to make self-protection and option for every woman.

For more than 20 years, the Twinsburg Karate Institute has taught self-defense as a public service to women in and around the Twinsburg area, and while we hope women never need to use these self-defense skills, the classes provide valuable training and lessons that every woman should learn.

Upcoming Women Safety Class


March 16, 2025

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM